Limited Access: We have decided to restrict database access to 50 companies from various fields to prevent internal competition among our customers.

Discover recently funded
companies that are looking
for your services

Hundreds of companies receive billions of dollars in funding every month, creating a chance for you to sell your products and services.

Discover untapped opportunities that others may have overlooked

We monitor these companies and their top executives, allowing you to discover profitable opportunities ahead of the competition.

Keep track of potential clients venture capital funding

A personalized venture capital tracker. Keeping you up to date on recently funded companies in need of your services. Comprehensive data tailored for your business and industry.

How does it work?

Companies that have recently received funding require your products and services to sustain their growth. Begin acquiring new leads today and capitalize on this opportunity.


Select a membership plan and sign up with your email and to get started.

Get leads

Get lists of trustworthy leads, carefully picked out for your needs. Each lead features the company’s CEO & key persons’ contact information.

Start reaching out

Use the data and our outreach templates to grow your business, close leads and stay ahead of competition.

A cost-efficient way
to find and reach prospects

in need of your resources

Recently founded companies with venture capital. Looking for outsourcing services they can’t do in-house. An opportunity to help a start up grow and make a profit at the same time.


Our list does not include mainstream leads that you are going to hear about anyway. Only unique finds that you are the first one to utilize.

Contact information you can trust,

The startup’s contact information we provide is verified by our team of researchers. Trustworthy CEO emails you can use.

Analyses based on
extensive research

GetLeads is designed is designed to find and track venture capital investments. Extensive research and analysis of startups with recently raised funds.

Utilize the
list of leads

Put the monthly list to use. Approach prospects with a strategy. Save resources while prospecting.

Make your money back, forever

Even a small contract with a high-end customer has the potential to generate significant revenue for years to come.

Monthly lead list

139$ per month

1000+ verified leads

New list at the beginning of every month

Emails + Linkedin profiles of CEOs

Weeks of research

Verified emails

Additional decision maker contacts at each startup

18+ data points for each startup to filter to your ideal customers

The vault

1,399$ one time

Access to our Master Database of 60,000+ leads

One-off list of companies who have raised over the past few years.

Emails + Linkedin profiles of CEOs

Weeks of research

Verified emails

Additional decision maker contacts at each startup

18+ data points for each startup to filter to your ideal customers

Reduce your prospecting efforts and increase your closing success

Save resources with hand-picked leads

Data verified be experts

The leads may be software-generated but we make sure to check each one and verify it’s legitimacy.

Researching leads actively

Staying up-to-date, collecting venture capital leads daily.

Advanced data scraping

The softwares we use connects us to a wide range of databases. Collecting data efficiently.

Data open to the public

We make sure the information we provide is not a breach of privacy.

Handpicked leads

Don't expect to find Apple and Tim Cook's emails, you will find entries for companies that are simple to connect with and cultivate relationships.

A growing database

We are constantly evolving our approach. Utilizing innovative tech tools to provide even better leads.

Who can profit from GetLeads?

B2B Service Providers


Marketing Agencies

B2B Software Providers

Software Developers

Video Production Companies

And More

Frequently asked questions

We use a combination of machine learning, web crawlers, primary sources, and natural language processing to extract and analyze data from more than 50 sources, including press releases, product launches, legal filings, social media platforms, and other websites. Our team verifies the accuracy of the results before delivery, ensuring that you can make informed decisions with confidence.

We provide a monthly report that contains information on about 500 companies that have secured funding, as well as the contact details of their C-level executives.

We cover a wide range of industries. Technology, healthcare, finance, consumer goods, and more. Tracking startups, non-profit orgs, and various enterprises.

We track data and provide an analysis monthly. Providing information on the most recent fundings

We provide leads for a variety of industries. There are no limits with GetLeads. However, there are some types of companies that are regularly included in our lists.

• Web Development Startups
• App Development Startups
• Software Development Startups
• Design Agencies
• Branding Agencies
• Cybersecurity Agencies
• Marketing Agencies
• SEO Providers
• Sales Companies
• Lead Generation Companies
• Recruitment Organizations
• PR Agencies
• Strategy Consulting Agencies
• Growth Consulting Agencies
• Business Consulting Agencies
• Finance Consulting Agencies
• Management Consulting Agencies

We’ve had tremendous success in other industries as well. Such as video production and coaching agencies.

Yes, you can cancel your membership anytime you want. There are no obligations.

Along with the monthly leads list, we send tips for outbound marketing. Best-performing outreach sequences for emails, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc…

At present, we have a small client base that requires a range of diverse services. However, once we have built a large enough customer base, we may restrict access to our services and focus exclusively on serving our existing clients.

Yes, our researchers double-check emails for validity.